Object Menu
The Object menu contains commands for working with and positioning
selected objects within a document. You can align and distribute
space of objects (Alignment). Reset the positioning of an image
used as an object’s fill that has been adjusted using the Crop
Image Fill tool (Cropping Reset). You can send objects to the front
or back (Bring to Front, Send to Back) or forward and backward
through object layers (Bring Forward, Send Backward). You can group
or ungroup objects (Group, Ungroup) or lock and unlock them (Lock,
Unlock All). You can hide selected objects or make them all visible
(Hide, Show All). You can flip selected objects horizontally or
vertically or just the shape only (Flip Horizontal, Flip Vertical
and Shape Only). You can also precisely rotate TypeStyler objects
(Rotate). TypeStyler text and panel objects can be converted
to path outlines (Create Outlines), and close an open path (close
path). Break apart a single headline text object into individual
objects that have been converted to path outlines (Break Apart
Text). Create amazing custom path designs using TypeStyler's Path
Magic tools, (Unite, Intersect, Crop, Punch Out, Punch & Unite,
Trim, Trim & Unite, and Combine). Achieve results that would
take considerable time and skill using traditional path editing
tools. |
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